Hi, I’m Jandy.
I can help you transform your most painful experiences into freedom and joy.
Jennifer Lynn Anderson (Jandy), Creator of Evolutionary Healing, Dalian Method Facilitator, Advocate for Joy, Life Coach
I offer private sessions and courses that give you profound freedom from the issues that have been limiting you. As we work together, I will show you how to use an evolutionary and truly ground-breaking system for health and wellness called the Dalian Method™ (DM). DM is a self-healing method. This means that once you know how to use it, you can use it on your own anytime you want to be more free, lighter, more healthy and more aligned with your true nature.
What is the Dalian Method?
The Dalian Method™ is a guided step-by-step process that uses a specific type of breathwork, out loud verbal expression and body movement. It guides you through a transformational process that gives you a way to solve any problem using the power of your consciousness.
The method works with the body, mind, emotions, spirit, unconscious and consciousness SIMULTANEOUSLY and helps you uncover and transform the root cause of your issue. As you work with the system, many layers of repressed emotions and limiting beliefs will be expressed, released and then spontaneously transformed into self-empowered consciousness, freedom, confidence, clarity, excitement, love and creativity. This system is truly magical!
The Dalian Method™ was created by internationally renowned Spiritual Teacher and award-winning Author, Mada Eliza Dalian.
I am very excited to share this life-changing and profoundly liberating method with you! Dalian Method sessions are available for anyone aged 7 years and up!
My Approach
Get in Touch!
Schedule a free 1:1 introductory consultation with me to discuss your personal goals, and to find out more.
I have more than 20 years of experience studying the evolutionary Dalian Method directly with Mada Dalian. I have facilitated 100s of Dalian Method sessions with adults, youth and children, with fantastic results.
I would love to speak with you and see how I can best support you on your unique life journey.
Jennifer Lynn Anderson (Jandy), Creator of Evolutionary Healing, Dalian Method Facilitator, Advocate for Joy, Life Coach
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